Healthy Nut Butter Recipes for Peanut Butter Lovers Day: March 1st
In honor of National Peanut Butter Lover's Day, we have provided you with some healthy nut butter recipes. These recipes are staples in...

Three words to remove from your language to make way for greater health, wealth and relationship suc
How can your health be sabotaged by your own language? How is your ability to heal influenced by the meanings of the very words you...

Lack of Exercise Is a Bigger Risk Factor Than Obesity in Premature Death
Would you take a brisk 20-minute walk each day if you knew it could reduce your risk of premature death by up to 30 percent? Well… lace...

Raw Foods for Pain Relief
Raw foods not only nourish the body from the inside out, but also possess curative properties that help alleviate pain and inflammation....

Stop using Canola Oil immediately!
It’s my hope that you’ll never use Canola Oil again! Why? Because of GMO’s (more on this below) and the harmful side effects from the...

Understanding addiction: herbs can help overcome and heal
Many cultures today are at war with addiction, armed and ready to capture the guilty in the act. Instead of devastating the guilty and...

High fructose corn syrup, corn syrup, fructose: Poison by any other name
When chemicals added to processed foods earn a bad rep for causing disease and disability, one would hope the food manufacturers would...

Ease Your Way Into Healthy Eating This New Year With This Recipe
Cauliflower Fried Rice Recipe You won’t believe you’re not eating “real” fried rice with this healthy alternative! We promise! Chock full...