Intermittent Fasting
Dr. Mark Mattson, PhD, is currently the Chief of the Laboratory of Neuroscience at the National Institute of Aging, as well as a...

Top 10 Research Articles Supporting Chiropractic Care
As chiropractors, it doesn't surprise us when patients tell us about improvements in function and life after being under chiropractic...

Fluoridated water causes hypothyroidism, which can lead to depression, memory loss and more, new stu
A recent study published in the Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health found that water fluoridation may increase the risk for...

10 Unhealthy Things You Think Are Good For You
By Dr. Mercola Awareness is increasing that many household goods, from your personal care products and food packaging to your couch...

Could body posture during sleep affect how your brain clears waste?
Sleeping in the lateral, or side position, as compared to sleeping on one's back or stomach, may more effectively remove brain waste and...

10 Sources of Endocrine Disruptors and How to Avoid Them
Endocrine disruptors are chemicals known to interfere with development and reproduction, and they may cause serious neurological and...

Best Strategies to Boost Your Vitamin B Levels
Referred to as vitamin B complex, the eight B vitamins -- B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B7, B9 and B12 -- play an important role in keeping our...

The 5 Surprising & Less-Known Reasons You’re Packing On Extra Weight
(Source) Obesity has become a massive issue in the United States. How big of an issue you ask? It’s reported that 1 out of 3 Americans...

6 Medications That Deplete Your Nutrients
The Mayo Clinic reports that nearly 7 in 10 Americans take prescription drugs – antibiotics, antidepressants and painkiller opioids were...

6 Strategies to Eat Your Way out of Spring Allergies
If you suffer from spring allergies the promise of blooming flowers and warmer temperatures may translate into watery eyes, trouble...