Can misalignments in your spine affect your energy and metabolism?
When a bone moves out of alignment in the spinal column it can put pressure on a nerve exiting the spinal cord at any particular level....

Ease Your Way Into Healthy Eating This New Year With This Recipe
Cauliflower Fried Rice Recipe You won’t believe you’re not eating “real” fried rice with this healthy alternative! We promise! Chock full...

Eat more cultured and fermented foods if you want to be smart, slim and healthy
It's not difficult to get into a rut with food. As we rush about in our busy lives, many times nutrition takes a backseat to more...

Studies find flu shots can harm your heart, infant and fetus
The reality is that vaccines not only do not work as advertised, but they represent a significant health threat, likely on the same order...

Do you want to eliminate your chronic pain in 2015?
The beauty of the body is that it has several feedback mechanisms to alert you that something is going wrong. We often call this feedback...

Kids and Chiropractic
Do kids need to see a chiropractor? Surprisingly, the first stress placed on a child’s spinal column is during the birthing process. ...

Are subluxations the cause of your aches, pains, and poor health?
A subluxation is when one or more vertebrae lose their normal position, and they interfere with the nerves they were meant to protect....
Chapel Hill Female Chiropractors COMING SOON!
We are excited to announce that building permits are in for construction at the new chiropractic office in Chapel Hill! In the mean...