B vitamin deficiency will drive you insane - here's the best food sources
A teenage boy is admitted to a mental hospital. He screams in fear, begging to be saved from the thousands of spiders climbing up the...

Raw Foods for Pain Relief
Raw foods not only nourish the body from the inside out, but also possess curative properties that help alleviate pain and inflammation....

Stop using Canola Oil immediately!
It’s my hope that you’ll never use Canola Oil again! Why? Because of GMO’s (more on this below) and the harmful side effects from the...

Understanding addiction: herbs can help overcome and heal
Many cultures today are at war with addiction, armed and ready to capture the guilty in the act. Instead of devastating the guilty and...

The truth about MSG and it's addictive, neurotoxic side effects
MSG, or monosodium glutamate, is a food additive found in nearly every processed food, and you may not realize it due to its many, many...

High fructose corn syrup, corn syrup, fructose: Poison by any other name
When chemicals added to processed foods earn a bad rep for causing disease and disability, one would hope the food manufacturers would...

5 Kidney Stone Natural Remedies for Fast Relief
Kidney stones are composed of eithercalcium salts or other acidic salts, such as uric acid, that can build up in the body. Passing of...

Starve cancer to death by removing this one thing from your diet
There are many factors that cause the cancer rates to rise, and their range is huge from emotions to the environment around us. But the...

Key amino acids and their important role in your health
Amino acids are foundational molecules that play a very key role in human and animal physiology. When one is deficient in a certain amino...

Super-charge your brain with intermittent fasting
New research has indicated that fasting can significantly reduce the effects of aging on the brain. It has been known that bouts of...